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What Group of Animals Rebels Against the Trade Agreement?

International trade agreements are crucial for global economic growth and development. These agreements are designed to promote trade between countries, increase market access, and enhance economic cooperation. However, not all trade agreements are welcomed by everyone, including some groups of animals.

One of the animal groups that have been known to rebel against trade agreements is the environmentalists. Environmentalists strongly oppose any trade agreement that they believe will harm wildlife, biodiversity, and ecosystems. They argue that trade agreements often lead to increased trade in products that are derived from wildlife, such as ivory, rhino horn, and exotic pets.

Environmentalists also oppose trade agreements that promote the expansion of extractive industries, such as mining and logging, which can lead to habitat destruction and the loss of biodiversity. Furthermore, they believe that trade agreements often prioritize economic growth and profit over environmental protection.

One recent example of animal rebellion against a trade agreement is the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The agreement was signed in 2018 between 11 Pacific Rim countries, including Canada, Australia, and Japan.

Environmentalists in Canada strongly opposed the agreement, citing concerns about the impact of increased trade on endangered species, such as sharks, turtles, and whales. They argued that Canada`s participation in the agreement would increase the country`s trade in shark fins, which is considered a delicacy in some Asian countries but has contributed to the decline of shark populations worldwide.

In response to these concerns, the Canadian government added a provision to the CPTPP that prohibits the trade of shark fins that were acquired through shark finning. While this provision was a step in the right direction, many environmentalists believe that it does not go far enough in protecting wildlife.

In conclusion, while trade agreements can bring many benefits, they are not always welcomed by everyone, including some groups of animals. Environmentalists in particular often rebel against trade agreements that they believe will harm wildlife and the environment. As such, it is important for policymakers to consider the impact of trade on the environment and take steps to protect wildlife and ensure sustainable development.