As businesses in South Africa continue to grow and expand, it is essential for businesses to put in place service level agreements (SLAs). These agreements help to define the level of service to be provided and the responsibilities of both parties. In this article, we will provide an example of a service level agreement that can be used in South Africa.

Service Level Agreement Example:

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is made and entered into on [Date] by and between [Service Provider Name], with its principal place of business at [Address] and [Client Name], with its principal place of business at [Address]. This agreement represents the entire understanding between Service Provider and Client and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements, whether written or oral.


This SLA covers the following services to be provided by Service Provider to Client:

1. Service Provider will provide regular maintenance and support for all agreed-upon equipment and software.

2. Service Provider will provide 24/7 remote support for all covered equipment and software.

3. Service Provider will respond to service requests within [Timeframe] of the request being received.

4. Service Provider will provide a dedicated account manager to Client, who will serve as the primary contact for all service-related issues.

5. Service Provider will provide quarterly reports to Client outlining service performance.


Client will be responsible for the following:

1. Providing Service Provider with access to all necessary equipment and software.

2. Notifying Service Provider of any changes or modifications to the equipment or software.

3. Paying all fees and charges associated with the services provided by Service Provider.

4. Cooperating with Service Provider in the provision of services.

Service Provider will be responsible for the following:

1. Providing regular maintenance and support for all covered equipment and software.

2. Providing 24/7 remote support for all covered equipment and software.

3. Responding to service requests within [Timeframe] of the request being received.

4. Providing a dedicated account manager to Client.

5. Providing quarterly reports to Client outlining service performance.


Service Provider guarantees the following:

1. The services provided will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner.

2. The services provided will conform to generally accepted industry standards.

3. Service Provider will comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


Client agrees to pay Service Provider in accordance with the pricing schedule outlined in the attached Schedule A. All fees and charges are due and payable within [Timeframe] of receipt of an invoice.

Term and Termination:

This SLA will be effective as of the date of execution and will remain in effect for [Term]. Either party may terminate this agreement with [Notice Timeframe] written notice to the other party.


In conclusion, service level agreements are essential to ensure that businesses in South Africa receive the highest level of service possible. This SLA example provides a framework for businesses to put in place a mutually beneficial agreement that meets the needs of both parties. It is recommended that both parties seek legal advice to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.