Facility Agreement Long Form Practical Law: A Comprehensive Overview for Businesses

As businesses grow, they often require additional funding to expand their operations. One way to obtain this funding is through a facility agreement. This type of agreement is a legal contract between a lender and borrower, where the lender provides a revolving or term loan to the borrower. The facility agreement sets out the terms and conditions of the loan, including the repayment schedule, interest rates, and collateral.

In this article, we will examine the facility agreement long form practical law and its importance to businesses.

What is a Facility Agreement Long Form Practical Law?

The facility agreement long form practical law is a standardized legal document that outlines the details of a loan provided by a lender to a borrower. This document is used as a template by lenders and borrowers to create a custom agreement based on their specific needs and requirements.

The facility agreement long form practical law covers a wide range of topics, including the purpose of the loan, the amount of the loan, the payment terms, and the interest rate. It also covers other important areas, such as events of default, representations and warranties, covenants, and security arrangements.

Why is a Facility Agreement Long Form Practical Law Important?

The facility agreement long form practical law is essential for businesses seeking financing. It is a straightforward document that provides clarity on the terms and conditions of the loan. By utilizing the standardized format, both the borrower and lender can ensure that the agreement is consistent with industry norms and best practices.

Furthermore, the facility agreement long form practical law serves as a legal document that protects the interests of both parties. It outlines the borrower`s obligations to the lender and the lender`s rights in the event that the borrower defaults on the loan. The document also provides a clear framework for resolving disputes should they arise.

How to Draft a Facility Agreement Long Form Practical Law?

Drafting a facility agreement long form practical law can be a complex process, requiring legal expertise and attention to detail. As such, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a legal professional experienced in this area.

The drafting process typically involves several steps, including:

1. Conducting Due Diligence: The lender will conduct due diligence on the borrower to assess their creditworthiness and risk profile.

2. Defining the Terms: The parties will negotiate and agree on the key terms of the loan, such as the amount, interest rate, and repayment schedule.

3. Drafting the Agreement: The legal professional will draft the agreement based on the agreed terms, using the facility agreement long form practical law as a template.

4. Review and Approval: Both the borrower and lender will review the agreement to ensure that it accurately reflects their understanding of the terms. Any necessary amendments are made before the agreement is finalized and signed.


In today`s dynamic business environment, facility agreements are an important tool for businesses seeking financing. The facility agreement long form practical law provides a standard template that can be customized to meet the unique needs of each borrower and lender.

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, businesses can better understand the importance of the facility agreement long form practical law and how to draft a comprehensive agreement that protects their interests. Ultimately, a well-drafted facility agreement can help businesses access the funding they need to grow and succeed.